Psalm 23 Magnolia Art Print


This artwork was the very first piece I created for the Psalms and Proverbs Print Club. I chose to start the print club with Ps. 23 because I wanted to begin with a part of the Bible that is familiar. This piece features Ps. 23:4 in the Passion Translation as well as cotton stalks and a magnolia flower. The original artwork was created with acrylic paint and artist pen on canvas.



Professionally printed and packaged with care! Art prints are printed on acid free paper. Canvas prints are printed on canvas and then stretched over canvas stretcher bars that are 0.7” thick. Select sizes are printed to order, so please allow time for your print to be created and shipped (usually about 2 weeks but in rare cases up to 4).


Psalms and Proverbs Print Club

This piece was created as a part of the Psalms and Proverbs Print Club. Each month, I illustrate and hand-letter a verse from Psalms or Proverbs, featuring seasonal florals and botanicals. Every unique piece of artwork is professionally printed and delivered to your mailbox as either an 8x10 print or a postcard (or both!).  Subscribers also receive exclusive devotional content and opportunities to connect with me on an ongoing basis.
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Additional Info:
The copyright to this piece is owned by Hannah Pickering. Please see the policies page at for Hannah’s copyright policy, reserved rights transfer, and sale agreement.